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The Gowland sense of humor, wit and playfullness was never more apparent than in their annual Christmas cards. Each year they phtotgraphed themselves in amusing costumes and sent out cards accopanied by a witty pun that was often telling of the times.

Ronnie & Nancy
Trading arms for hostages

Med Flies

A pin is mightier
than the sword.

A breast in the hand,
deserves a raise.


"The sun will come out

A bird in the hand,
better than on the foot.

Akabar's maid & butler.

In Atami,
Gowlands dress Japanese.

Alice and Peter edit a 16mm movie.

Christmas in our 50 year old pool.

Texas roller rage

Beverly Hills road rage

Pride flees Bride

Fred and Ginger

Christmas dinner

From Elizabeth and what's-his-name

got the chimney blues.

Have tutu will travel.

Unusual picture of Alice in the air
and Dickey posing with his back to the camera!

Peter 1940
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